Bethel dental clinic


Routine brushing is insufficient to remove the hard deposits stuck on your teeth. This is primarily because of the shape and the position of our teeth. The bristles of the brush cannot reach every corner of your mouth. Hence, you need to seek professional care like scaling to maintain your oral hygiene.

Another benefit of Scaling and Polishing is removal of stains. Superficial stains can be removed after a good session of dental clean up.

Why is polishing important? Besides the nice feeling of a smooth glossed surface, polished tooth surface does not allow food particles to stick easily and reducing the chance of deposition.
Gingivitis/ Periodontitis is the inflammation of gingival and periodontium respectively.

Bethel dental clinic

Summary: When plaque is formed around the teeth, beneath the gum surface, it causes inflammation and slowly the gums become red, they swell and bleed and little by little they get displaced and slowly even the bone starts to be affected and then we reach an irreversible stage and the teeth start becoming mobile in other words they begin to move and eventually FALL OFF

Please see image below for illustration

stages of gum disease

Gum Disease Begins When Plaque, A Sticky Deposit on The Teeth Where Bacteria Multiply, Builds Up on The Teeth. Calcium From Saliva Hardens the Plaque into A Barnacle-Like Material. This Calcified Plaque Is Called Tartar or Calculus. Certain Types of Germs That Live in This Plaque and Calculus Damage Gum Tissue. Your Body Tries to Fight This Infection with An Inflammatory Attack, Sending White Blood Cells to The Area to Destroy the Bacteria. The Inflammation Then Causes the Tissue to Bleed Easily When You Brush or Floss.

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If Untreated, Gingivitis Will Then Progress to Periodontitis. With Periodontitis, Calculus Deposits Expand on The Surface of Your Teeth, Edging Down Below Your Gum Line. This Condition Causes Your Gums to Separate Slightly from The Teeth, Supporting Bone and Ligament, Forming Periodontal Pockets. The Infection and The Pockets May Continue to Deepen, Eating Away at The Jawbone Until Your Teeth Become Loose and Fall Out.

So, Scaling and polishing makes way for healthy gums healthy periodontium. Healthy and infection-free gums anchor and support the teeth strongly within the jaws.

Cure to bad breath

Clean teeth and gums keep bad breath at bay. Those of you who feel that you are suffering from low confidence level due to bad breath, you can find immense relief after scaling and polishing is done for your teeth.

Very Important before starting many dental procedures such as Orthodontic treatment, whitening, major oral surgeries, fillings, because the products will not adhere to a dirty surface and to reduce inflammation/ infection. Hence scaling and polishing is mandatory.

Other Benefits of Scaling and Polishing

It’s good for your heart –

There have been countless studies performed on the correlation between a person’s oral and overall health. Gingivitis and gum disease have a direct effect on your cardiovascular well-being. Your risk of heart diseases, high blood pressure, stroke, diabetes and many other life-threatening illnesses can be

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greatly reduced by simply removing the tartar which acts as the cause factors for so many of these debilitating diseases.

It Will Save You Money.

Taking good care of your teeth and mouth at home and by visiting the dentist regularly, will save you a lot. Regular cleanings by your doctor help prevent cavities, but more importantly identify cavities or caries at an early stage. Taking care of a small cavity can be an easy and simple procedure and is cheap. Left untreated inevitably will lead to unwanted complications including; infection, root canal treatment, tooth loss. All unpleasant outcomes that are very expensive to remedy. However, in Bethel Dental Clinic, we are always available to give you quality and reliable dental care.